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Expressing Your Vision - Assessment

Learning Log entries for Learning Outcomes


Listed below are links to learning log entries that evidence the relevant learning outcome.


LO1 – Demonstrate an understanding of photographic technique and image making


I have chosen two learning logs from part three of this unit as I really feel this is where I learnt a lot and challenged my technical skills.

Exercise 3.1 was a critical point in my learning for this course. My first time playing with shutter speeds on my camera, I became frustrated and deflated but I kept trying and feel like I have shown how I worked through this exercise well, reflecting on my practice.


Evidence: Exercise 3.1 - Freeze


Exercise 3.2 allowed me to experiment with slow shutter speeds and show my creative side using another photography technique that was new to me.


Evidence: Exercise 3.2 – Trace


Exercise 2.4 allowed me to focus more in detail on lens work and focus and educated me in approaches to depth of field and how the focus within a frame can change a whole image.


Evidence: Exercise 2.4 – Woodpecker


Assignment 4 was a real turning point for me. I felt like I had finally conquered my camera in manual mode and produced a set of images that I was extremely proud of. Each bit of course work that I had completed up to this point had given me the technical skills that I needed to produce my series and research had been crucial.


Evidence: Assignment 4 – Languages of light





LO2 – Present a select body of photographic work

The selected body of evidence can be found at:


LO3 - Develop and communicate your ideas as a photographer

Throughout this course I have tried to look at things differently in an authentic and creative way. With responses to briefs I have thought long and hard about being imaginative and original.

Exercise 4.4 made me think about how I could respond to something very simple and make it my own, therefore putting  forward my own ideas as a photographer and communicate my personal voice.

Evidence: Exercise 4.4 – Personal voice

Exercise 5.1 required a subject that I had empathy with and to evaluate what was found within the frame that may have been a mistake or incidental. It required me to analyse my images in a different way and to communicate how a mistake or incidental moment could be the one element that makes a successful photo or brings meaning to it.

Evidence: Exercise 5.1 – The distance between us

My re-work of Assignment 5 allowed me to develop my original idea and create a deeper meaning behind my series of photos once I had completed some more research.

Evidence: Assignment 5 re-work

LO4 - Demonstrate a critical and contextual understanding of photography and reflect on your own learning

I have always been the type of person that finds self-reflection difficult but feel that throughout this unit I have got a little better at it. Hopefully as I progress through this degree it is something that will become a second nature. This goes for critical and contextual thinking too. Being out of education for so long means I’ve had to jump start the cogs in my brain for this way of thinking and understanding.


I have chosen two learning log entries from part 5 of this unit as I think this is where I have started to show my progression with critical and contextual understanding, along with reflection on my own learning. I also think Assignment 3 sits well in this learning outcome.


Exercise 5.2 shows my homage to Steve McCurry’s ‘The Afghan Girl’ and made me think about the way that we interpret a photograph and with this critical and contextual understanding I was able to produce a response to McCurry’s image.


Evidence: Exercise 5.2 – Homage


Exercise 5.3 is a response to Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare by photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson and looks at pivotal points within the frame.


Evidence: Exercise 5.3 – Looking at photography

Assignment 3 allowed me to explore ‘the decisive moment’ and my take on this way of thinking when photographing. I was able to observe the relationships between my subjects and through this I developed my understanding of ‘the decisive moment’ and was able to convey these fleeting seconds that were so singular unless captured within a frame. Looking at the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson previously in the course allowed me to critically think about my own work and to put in into context with what I had learnt from critically thinking about the decisive moment and what it meant to me.

Evidence: Assignment 3 – The decisive moment

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