3.1 Research
Edweard Muybridge
Edweard Muybridge was one of the worlds most influential photographers there has ever been. He composed images of humans and animals in motion that became world famous, pushing the limits of the camera's possibilities.
In the photo to the right, he famously proved that a horse can fly - lifting all four hooves off the ground while cantering.
A M Worthington was a English Physics professor. In 1884 he gave a lecture which featured drawings of water and mercury splashes. He was able to describe the different stages in the journey of a mercury drop falling against glass.
His reasoning behind not using photographs to record his observations was that, "photographic plates were not sensitive enough to respond to the very brief exposure times needed to freeze a drop in time, without blur".
With help from a few others further down the line, Worthington used powerful sparks from Leyden jars to create the necessary brief exposure times and was finally able to take high speed photos of his own splashes.
Harold Edgerton was an electrical engineering professor at MIT who brought together camera shutter motors with high tech strobe lights to capture moments undetectable to the naked eye.
Milk Drop Coronet, freezes the impact of a drop of milk on a table top. The picture to the right proved that photography could cultivate our understanding of the physical world.
The technology Edgerton used laid the foundation for the modern electrical flash.